Archdiocese of Santa Fe - Catholic Committee on Scouting

Activities and Other Recognitions

The NCCS offers various programs to assist Scouts of all ages learn more about their faith. View the current offerings on the NCCS website. It should be noted that these are activity patches, not religious emblems, and as such the Scout is not eligible for the BSA religious knot.

The Committee also offers a patch to participants in the “Growing with God” scout retreat.

Footsteps of American Saints

The NCCS offers The Footsteps of American Saints to Scouts of all ages. This is a wonderful activity to do as a family, Den, Patrol, or Crew. Click on the images below for more information. Earn them all!

International Catholic Awareness

This activity is being offered by The International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) in recognition of demonstrated awareness of Scouting in the Catholic Church throughout the world. It contributes to the complete education of young people through Scouting from the perspective of the Catholic faith. It develops and enhances the spiritual dimension of Scouting in the World Scout Movement.